Brodeur Blog
Welcome to the Brodeur Blog, home to our company thought leaders and innovators. We hope to share a glimpse into the minds behind our company and the Relevance Brand.
How to Ride the Tide of Never-Ending Social Media Apps
Apps and websites for connecting us to each other in new and creative ways are reproducing faster than mayflies. Sorting through them can feel like a second full-time job.
History’s longest PR campaign: a Valentine retrospective
Saint Valentine is the beneficiary of the world’s greatest and longest-running branding campaign. His association with all things lovey-dovey is a remarkable triumph for communications and PR.
Presidential Candidates: Different People in Person
Going to see a candidate – or tripping over one – isn’t so much about policies and plans. It becomes chiefly about the sensory experience of an individual – how they present themselves in real life.
Going native: why we should be grateful for advertiser-created content
Questions flutter around native advertising like seagulls around a bag of Doritos. Fair questions, but there is only one that really matters: does anyone believe native advertising?
The virtual human touch, video coronations, and other forecasts for 2016
Happy New Year! Check out some 2016 industry forecast by Brodeur team members.