Brodeur Blog

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Welcome to the Brodeur Blog, home to our company thought leaders and innovators. We hope to share a glimpse into the minds behind our company and the Relevance Brand.

  • From brands to the ballot box—defying hackers and trolls

    It seems that not a week goes by without an announcement by some large institution that its data has been compromised. Most know about hacks at major megabrands like eBay, Equifax, Target and Uber. But the challenges from hackers and trolls don’t stop there. Today they even target our political and election process.

  • Space in New England: We Need an Alliance

    Frank White, October 2018 Hiawatha Bray, a columnist for the Boston Globe, recently wrote an eye-opening article about entrepreneurial space companies in New England. According to Bray, New England, which has been on the leading edge of the computer and biotech revolutions, is starting to seize on another big opportunity: the explosion of interest by private enterprise in space exploration and development. Long the province of government agencies, space has become a hot destination for venture capital investment and a […]

  • Nine ways to launch a stellar space brand

    As with computing and internet businesses, only the strong will survive. A key facet of strength is having an identity that investors, customers and the public can instantly grasp. Too many great companies toil in obscurity of their own making while waiting for their genius to be discovered. They eventually lose their lunch money to latecomers who communicate better.

  • Americans support entrepreneurs in space

    Steve McGrath, October 2017 But want improvements on Earth Space, once the government’s exclusive domain, today poses one of the most exciting economic, scientific and humanistic opportunities for the private sector in decades. Investors are pouring money into small satellites, launch vehicles and space tourism plans. Yet, as with other new technologies, the average American has a lot to learn about business in space. And hungry entrepreneurs need to understand what he or she is thinking. To find out, the […]

  • Alexa is our Hero

    We at Brodeur Partners are honored to call Alexa our Walk Hero. She’s a major reason we do the Jimmy Fund Walk, and why you should, too.